I'm still pretty new to the whole CoffeeScript scene.
Are there any IDEs out there that support debugging of CoffeeScript source code running on Node.js?
I'm hoping for something where I can set a breakpoint within a .coffee file and see a call stack and inspect variables.
WebStorm doesn't seem to fit the bill yet. WEB-2389
It appears that there is a solution for this client side using CoffeeScriptRedux in Chrome. Example
Are there other options? Sublime?
Update After checking in on this issue again nearly a year later I came across this JetBrains help document. It looks like it supports debugging server side coffee script... finally!
You can theoretically do this on any IDE that supports remote debugging. However, with Coffee-script redux in beta 2 and all the activity surrounding source-map support you would be better off just waiting 5 minutes.
JetBrains products support debugging CoffeeScript with a combination of the JetBrains Chrome Plugin and Coffee-script-redux.
Nodeclipse has an opened issue #12 CoffeeScript debugging support