How do I close the popup after I post to facebook?

2019-03-16 06:22发布

On our blog we have a link where users can post our articles to their timeline. A popup opens up and the user posts to facebook, then the popup stays there and redirects to "". How do we instead close the popup when the user either finishes posting or clicks on the cancel button? According to this so question it can't be done but Huffington post has figured it out but looking at their code we can't figure it out. As an example, the facebook share button here will open up a popup and then close when you either post the article or cancel.

Here's what we have:

FB.init({appId: "90210", status: true, cookie: true});

      function postToFeed() {

        // calling the API ...
        var obj = {
          method: 'feed',
          redirect_uri: '',
          link: '',
          picture: '',
          name: 'Some title',
          caption: '',
          description: ''

        function callback(response){
           window.close(); // doesn't do anything
          //document.getElementById('msg').innerHTML = "Post ID: " + response['post_id'];

        FB.ui(obj, callback);

We've tried adding window.close(); in the callback (and also self.close();), tried leaving redirect_uri blank (and tried leaving redirect_uri out altogether, but it's required).

2楼-- · 2019-03-16 06:40

As of 10/2017 removing redirect_uri seems to work.

It will default to

whose source is just <script type="text/javascript"> window.close() </script>

3楼-- · 2019-03-16 06:43

It seems that the accepted answer is no longer working due to the fact that facebook now strips anything after a hash and replaces it with post_id=xxxxx.

Solution #1 (if you trust FB not to change this in the near future):

if('post_id')==1) window.close();

Solution #2 (if you want a little more insurance against change and don't mind a second file): Create a new html file closewindow.html:


and link to it in the redirect.

▲ chillily
4楼-- · 2019-03-16 06:44

Just remove the redirect_uri parameter from the url.

Like here.

We Are One
5楼-- · 2019-03-16 06:46

After spending a whole day working on this problem, I have a very good solution that I'd like to share. Instead of using the SDK with FB.ui(), I have discovered that I can avoid it entirely by manually opening my own popup to When doing it this way, redirect_uri works as expected. As long as you require the user to click a button to make the dialog pop up, no popup blocker will be triggered.

I don't believe there are any compromises with this code, and if anything, it is much easier to use than the actual SDK.

My Javascript code (which you can save as FacebookFeedDialog.js) looks like this:

/* by Steven Yang, Feb 2015, originally for  This code is free for anybody to use as long as you include this comment.  */
function FacebookFeedDialog(appID, linkTarget, redirectTarget) {
  this.mParams = {
    app_id: appID,
    link: linkTarget,
    redirect_uri: redirectTarget,
    display: "popup"

/* Common params include:
   name - the title that appears in bold font
   description - the text that appears below the title
   picture - complete URL path to the image on the left of the dialog
   caption - replaces the link text
FacebookFeedDialog.prototype.addParam = function(key, value) {
  this.mParams[key] = value;
}; = function() {

  var url = '' + encodeCGIArgs(this.mParams);
  popup(url, 'feedDialog', 700, 400);

/* Takes a param object like this:
   { arg1: "value1", arg2: "value2" }
   and converts into CGI args like this:

   The values and args will be properly URI encoded
function encodeCGIArgs(paramObject) {

  var result = '';

  for (var key in paramObject) {
    if (result)
      result += '&';
    result += encodeURIComponent(key) + '=' + encodeURIComponent(paramObject[key]);

  return result;

function popup(mylink,windowname,width,height) {
  if (!window.focus) return;
  var href;
  if (typeof(mylink) == 'string')
  if (!windowname)
  if (!width)
  if (!height)
    height=350;, windowname, 'resizable=yes,width='+width+',height='+height+',scrollbars=yes');

Here's a sample HTML file that uses the Javascript code above:

<SCRIPT type="text/javascript" src="FacebookFeedDialog.js"></SCRIPT>
var dialog = new FacebookFeedDialog(yourAppIDGoesHere,yourDestinationURLGoesHere,yourCloseWindowURLGoesHere);
dialog.addParam('name','This is my title');
dialog.addParam('description','This is the description');
dialog.addParam('caption','This is the caption');

<A href="">Open facebook dialog</A>

Your closeWindow html file can look like this:

6楼-- · 2019-03-16 06:47

Redirect to Then on your site's homepage, include something like this:

if (window.location.hash == '#close_window') window.close();.

7楼-- · 2019-03-16 06:47
<script>if (window.location.hash.indexOf("#close_window") != -1) window.close();</script>
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