I ma developing an app, which at the moment when it is loading from the onCreate point, I just have a black screen (until the app gets its footing). Looking at other apps they have a company logo or cool image that pops up for a few seconds, can someone tell me how to do this please?
And if you can set it to display for a minimal time?
Create a new activity that displays the image for a few seconds and redirects to your main activity:
Set your image as the background for this activity. Hope that helps. Good luck!
This start up image also known as 'splash screen'. Here you can find how to make splash screen.
Your needs is callign Splash Screen. Here is my splash screen code.
Just add new activity and set application for opening this activity.
public class SplashActivity extends DeviceInfoAbstractActivity {
and this my getClearCacheIntent() method
after these, your splash screen stays on screen for 2 seconds. Do whatever you want =)