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true isometric projection with opengl
I want to render using the same isometric rendering which Blender3d uses, how can i do this ? Is it possible with just a call to glMultMatrix() ? I tried googling but couldnt find any working matrixes that would result in that kind of rendering mode. i tried this http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Isometric_projection but it just rendered really weird.
This is the matrix i use now that renders with normal perspective:
GLdouble f = cotan(fovy/2.0);
GLdouble aspect = (GLdouble)width/(GLdouble)height;
IsoMatrix.x[0] = f/aspect;
IsoMatrix.y[0] = 0;
IsoMatrix.z[0] = 0;
IsoMatrix.w[0] = 0;
IsoMatrix.x[1] = 0;
IsoMatrix.y[1] = f;
IsoMatrix.z[1] = 0;
IsoMatrix.w[1] = 0;
IsoMatrix.x[2] = 0;
IsoMatrix.y[2] = 0;
IsoMatrix.z[2] = (zfar+znear)/(znear-zfar);
IsoMatrix.w[2] = (2.0*zfar*znear)/(znear-zfar);
IsoMatrix.x[3] = 0;
IsoMatrix.y[3] = 0;
IsoMatrix.z[3] = -1;
IsoMatrix.w[3] = 0;
glMultMatrixd((GLdouble *)&IsoMatrix);
How do i change it so it will result to: http://rvzenteno.files.wordpress.com/2008/10/rvz_018.jpg ?
It is easier to use glOrtho then rotate the axes: