I'm doing PHP development. And coming from a Rails background, I'm looking for a like-for-like replacement for Webrick in PHP. Is there such a light weight server? Something with minimal configuration and installation effort. Apache is actually fine. But I would like to know if there're other options. Or do most of you use Apache?
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Regarding do most use Apache, the answer is yes. Most servers on the web are using Apache (mostly LAMP). PRobabyly the biggest reason is because Apache is very flexible works with just about anything. It has a lot of plugins and is very configurable. It is also very fast and runs on just about anything.
You can optimize Apache as your need. I prefer Apache for it's robustness.
You should try sng.
It is script which launches a PHP/Nginx development server quickly without any admin privileges. In is made in nodejs
You can install it very easily with :