I am working with Bluetooth Low energy . Is there any APIs or open source SDK for BLE in java ? My goal is to run my pc as a BLE peripheral . And what I have tried is , just searched for the APIs for some time and I have found this. But dont know how to implement.
Edit: I also have something here , I think which used to create the characteristic and services . As per my understanding there is no driver required in window8 as it has inbuilt support . But i am confused with which library to add in to run this code.
As far as I know there is no library yet. Probably the best way is to build a JNI wrapper around the Windows 8 C++ library. Why not start an open source project?
As soon as you have the low level there is a nice little helper library to work with the GATT profiles: https://github.com/movisens/SmartGattLib