I have a controller that makes a connection to a url to retrieve a csv file.
I am able to send the file in the response using the following code, this works fine.
def fileURL = "www.mysite.com/input.csv"
def thisUrl = new URL(fileURL);
def connection = thisUrl.openConnection();
def output = connection.content.text;
response.setHeader "Content-disposition", "attachment;
response.contentType = 'text/csv'
response.outputStream << output
However I think this method is inappropriate for a large file, as the whole file is loaded into the controllers memory.
I want to be able to read the file chunk by chunk and write the file to the response chunk by chunk.
Any ideas?
Groovy OutputStreams can take InputStreams directly with the
operator. The OutputStream will pull the data automatically with an appropriately sized buffer.The following should efficiently copy the data, even if the CSV is quite large.