My app would work very nicely on the new Amazon Kindle Fire, but it would be nice to test it and remove any kinks before they flood onto the market! Is there an emulator of the kindle fire available
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The Tech at Amazon told me that there is an "internal" SD Card. I just write to the normal SD CARD file path.
Looks like Carl is Right and amazon dropped emulator's support - I was able to test on emulators about 6 months ago but now they are gone. However description link still exists(on time I'm writing this) - it describes the exact steps I was using to install emulator when it was available:
After step 5 there also were additional options (this is also described here) under Extras which are now gone:
Hope they'll return them back.
The Fire does not seem to have a SDCARD. How does it handle application that use the SDCARD. Do they, perhaps, divert SDCARD I/O to the "cloud?"
Quoting the documentation:
Support for the Kindle Fire emulator seems to have been discontinued as of sometime in early 2014. You can still find the page describing it here on the Wayback Machine, but now it is gone from the Amazon developer pages:
On this forum page:
an Amazon developer rep finally states that "We have dropped supporting Emulator. Sorry for the inconvenience."
The Amazon developer site's "Pre-Submission Assessment" page says to use an actual Kindle Fire device for testing:
"To complete this group of tests, install the app on a Kindle Fire tablet and launch."
They don't actually say "we had an emulator, but it didn't work out," but as we've been left to draw our own conclusions, that might be a pretty good summation.
For its new Fire phone, Amazon has made available a testing service which uses an actual time-shared Fire phone to which your APK gets uploaded. The test routine will push some buttons and make some random pokes at grids and the like, and some random keyboard entries, and then a few minutes to hours later you'll get a link to the results (including actions performed and their relative times of occurrence, and the resulting screen shots, plus a logcat) on your developer account. It works but it is by no means a comprehensive test.
For my part, I have just purchased a Kindle Fire HD 2013 solely for testing, used, with a tiny crack in the corner of the display but otherwise working fine, for a very low price. It's always better to have a real device than an emulator anyway.
I'll probably supplement that with some regular AVDs that are as close as possible to the various other Kindle Fire devices.
There is a Kindle Fire Emulator available from Amazon. You'll need to install Kindle Fire Add-On in Android SDK Manager. Detailed instructions here: