I'm having trouble crafting a fairly simple query with Doctrine...
I have two arrays ($countries, $cities) and I need to check whether database record values would match any inside either. I'm looking for something like:
->whereIn('country', 'city', $countries, $cities)
... with 'country' being a WHERE IN for $countries and 'city' being a WHERE IN for $city.
I could separate the two out but the needed query has lots of other conditions so that's not possible. The resulting SQL I'm after would be:
AND ...
AND ...
AND ('country' IN (1,2,3) OR 'city' IN (7,8,9))
AND ...
AND ...;
One could therefore think of it also as a bracketing issue only. Anyone know if this is possible with Doctrine DQL? I've looked through the documentation but can't find any direction.
Why not use something like?
Also, chain them together for context (most Doctrine methods return $this).
see http://www.symfony-project.org/doctrine/1_2/en/06-Working-With-Data
After an hour of experimenting on this nonsense, here's the syntax to make it work.