Is there any way to use environment variables in the play! application.conf file? Something like this:
I don't want to hardcode the URL in my application.conf because it contains credentials that the developer should not have access to.
All variables within ${} are resolved using the following sources:
So you could add these as -Dkey=name parameters when launching Play! with your secret credentials specific to your environment.
I have the same problem. My solution :
It works fine for me.
It just adds a message for the dev team when the application starts :
ex: 20 mai 2011 21:09:16 play.Logger warn ATTENTION: Missing include:
Really not a problem. Just inform your dev team that this message is not a problem and to not delete the "" line in application.conf
Hope it helps
does resolve any variables that are set in your environment. you don't have to specify "env." prefix unless it's part of your key.