I am writing a simple application that has 3 view controllers. The root view controller is an item listing
, basic table view. Off of this view controller, I push two different view controllers based on some user interaction - a create item
view controller or a view item
view controller.
So, the storyboard segues just look like a V, or something.
On my create item
view controller, I would like it to pop back to the root view controller when the user creates a new item, but then push to the view item
controller so that I can look at the newly created item.
I can't seem to get this to work. It's easy enough to pop back to the root view controller, but I'm unable to push that view item
Any ideas? I've pasted my code, below. The pop function works, but the new view never appears.
- (void) onSave:(id)sender {
CLLocation *currentLocation = [[LocationHelper sharedInstance] currentLocation];
// format the thread object dictionary
NSArray* location = @[ @(currentLocation.coordinate.latitude), @(currentLocation.coordinate.longitude) ];
NSDictionary* thread = @{ @"title": _titleField.text, @"text": _textField.text, @"author": @"mustached-bear", @"location": location };
// send the new thread to the api server
[[DerpHipsterAPIClient sharedClient] postPath:@"/api/thread"
success:^(AFHTTPRequestOperation *operation, id responseObject) {
// init thread object
Thread *thread = [[Thread alloc] initWithDictionary:responseObject];
// init view thread controller
ThreadViewController *viewThreadController = [[ThreadViewController alloc] init];
viewThreadController.thread = thread;
[self.navigationController popToRootViewControllerAnimated:NO];
[self.navigationController pushViewController:viewThreadController animated:YES];
failure:^(AFHTTPRequestOperation *operation, NSError *error) {
[self.navigationController popToRootViewControllerAnimated:YES];
I used Dave's answer as inspiration and made this for Swift:
An easy way to accomplish what you want to do is to build some simple logic into your main root view controllers -(void)viewWillAppear method and use a delegate callback to flip the logic switch. basically a "back reference" to the root controller. here is a quick example.
main root controller (consider this controller a) - well call it controllerA set a property to keep track of the jump status
setup some logic in
Now, in your main root controller,when a tableview row is selected do something like this when pushing to controllerB in your tableView did select method
then implement your prepare for segue method
Now move on to controllerB you need to set a property called "delegate" to hold the back reference and you need to import the header file from the root controller
then just before you pop back to controllerA, you set the flag
and that is about it. You don't have to do anything with controllerC. There are a few other ways to do, but this is pretty straight forward for your needs. hope it works out for you.
If what you want to do is navigate in any way inside the same navigation controller... you can access the navigationStack A.K.A. viewControllers and then set the viewcontrollers in the order that you want, or add or remove some... This is the cleanest and native way to do it.
do any necessary validations so you don't get any exception.
If I understand you correctly, you have a stack of view controllers:
And you want it to become:
Right? In that case:
Swift 4
I don't think this is possible because popping back will deallocate everything.
I think a better way is to put your data on a model singleton class, pop to the rootviewcontroller and listen for the pop to end. Then you check if there is some data stored on the model so that you know if you should push a new viewcontroller.