I use KnockoutJS in my projects, but want to learn AngularJS as it has a lot of tasty features that Knockout doesn't have. So I'm interested in rewriting some of my code using Angular. But I don't understand how to do some simple things that I use in Knockout. For example, Knockout has a feature of computed observables. It's cool! I've already found that I can use a simple function instead. But Knockout provides "write" function to a computed observables, like:
var first_name = ko.observable('John'),
last_name = ko.observable('Smith'),
full_name = ko.computed({
read: function(){
return first_name() + ' ' + last_name();
write: function(new_value){
var matches = new_value.match(/^(\w+)\s+(\w+)/);
This code on JSFiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/Girafa/QNebV/1/
This code allows me to update the "first_name" and "last_name" observables when I change the "full_name" one. How it can be done using AngularJS? A function with an argument being checked for existence? Something like this?
first_name = 'John';
last_name = 'Smith';
full_name = function(value){
if (typeof value != 'undefined')
// do the same as in the Knockout's write function
// do the same as in the Knockout's read function
What is the best practice?
Sorry about that. It's true, this is simpler in knockout because a function is called whereas a property is used in angular. This is the way I could resolve it, but I would like to know if there is a better way.
I fixed this time Plunker
I've found such a solution: http://jsfiddle.net/Girafa/V8BNc/
Instead of using angular $watch method, we set native javascript getter and setter of the fullName property:
Think this is more convenient as I don't need to make any special watchers in the code. But I don't know about browser support of this solution.