Let's say I have Books and Author models.
class Author(models.Model):
name = CharField(max_length=100)
class Book(models.Model):
title = CharField(max_length=250)
authors = ManyToManyField(Author)
I want each Book to have multiple Authors, and on the Django admin site I want to be able to add multiple new authors to a book from its Edit page, in one go. I don't need to add Books to authors.
Is this possible? If so, what's the best and / or easiest way of accomplishing it?
Try this:
You might need to add
raw_id_fields = ("author", )
if you have many authors.Well, check out the Django docs on many to many usage with inlines.
It is quite simple to do what you want, If I am getting you correctly:
You should create an admin.py file inside your apps directory and then write the following code: