I checked out the existing project source code from SVN to a folder in my system. Then I opened eclipse. Import Project-> Existing Maven Project.
It imported without issues. However, Project Explorer shows it as just folders instead of packages. (Like when we create a package and then add classes to it, it shows a different icon for package root). I opened Navigator and Package Explorer as well. But they are showing them as folders as well.
I tried:
mvn eclipse:clean
mvn eclipse:eclipse
on the root of the project. But it did not help.
Can anyone help on this one?
My folder structure:
I also faced a similar issue. I resolved it by downloading the correct apache maven plugins in the maven repository org / apache/ Maven/ plugins. IN my case, everything was working fine earlier and I had deleted .m2 repository completely. After that I started getting these issues with same iDE and newer IDE versions as well. The pom.xml showed error related to lifecycle mappings. On downloading the correct plugin, the workspace worked fine.