I tried the new Eclipse Kepler that already comes with a maven plugin.
But when I want to add a dependency (open the pom.xml, go to dependencies tab and click add) I can input some string like "jetty" in the search box but nothing happens. In older versions I got a list of all dependencies containing "jetty".
I don't know if this is important but I directly get an info when opening the "add dependency screen": "Artifact Id cannot be empty".
I do not use a proxy or have any network issues.
I also missed an information something like: "indexing maven repo..."
Any idea?
I did "In Maven Repositories tab Expand Global Repositories, Right-click on central and Update Index", it did not work, then click left expand triangle, it ran, and wait for while. Now it works
Very strange but now it worked using the following way:
Maybe a bug as also the add dialog should trigger the first repository search/indexing.
The information: "Artifact Id cannot be empty" still appears and had nothing to do with the problem.
I had similar situation and by googling for a while i found out that this is most likely because your central Repository index might never have been updated. For this what you can do is
also you can set up index to update on eclipse startup Windows > Preferences > Maven and check "Download repository index updates on startup".
Hope this helps some one else.
I solved the same problem by going to Window > Show View > Other > Maven > Maven Repositories
Expand global repositories right click central > Rebuild index (wait for it) When it finishes Expand local repositories and do the same for the local repository (rebuild index) If you encounter some error simply try again. It worked for the second time and now i can search maven repo.
In case it can help someone... I had the same problem, tried to fix it doing all the steps everyone is mentioning in the other answers and I couldn't fix it like that. In the end, the solution was to delete the content of the settings.xml file in my .m2 folder. For some reason, it was using a different global repository, not the default maven one. After that, I got the expected behaviour.
I had same problem! It is because you do not have STS (Spring Tool Suite) installed. Go to Marketplace install it and it is gonna work!