I want to react when somebody shakes the iPhone. I don't particularly care how they shake it, just that it was waved vigorously about for a split second. Does anyone know how to detect this?
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Easiest solution is to derive a new root window for your application:
Then in your application delegate:
If you are using a Storyboard, this may be trickier, I don’t know the code you will need in the application delegate precisely.
You need to check the accelerometer via accelerometer:didAccelerate: method which is part of the UIAccelerometerDelegate protocol and check whether the values go over a threshold for the amount of movement needed for a shake.
There is decent sample code in the accelerometer:didAccelerate: method right at the bottom of AppController.m in the GLPaint example which is available on the iPhone developer site.
To enable this app-wide, I created a category on UIWindow:
From my Diceshaker application:
The histeresis prevents the shake event from triggering multiple times until the user stops the shake.