如题,部分ios系统版本较低的手机,目前已知iphone 6s、iPhone 6plus手机上,运行在微信浏览器中的部分页面渲染不出来,白屏;挨个把页面所有东西都删了,发现只要用了link标签引入css,哪怕这个css文件是空的,原本的dom就无法显示了,由于是客户反馈的,找了几部同款手机但是系统是最新的,并没有复现,还是第一次遇到这个问题,没有头绪。。。。。。。。。
还有一个情况也是类似的,也是这两个机型,原本用户能正常访问页面,但是自从加了一个时间倒计时效果,js就不执行了,,,,,之所以说js不执行,是因为js的第一行代码就是移除loading元素,而这2款机型一直显示loading图片。。。。。一开始觉得是倒计时问题,加了try catch,把setInterval换成setTimeout都没用
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// 神策分析代码
(function(para) {
var p = para.sdk_url, n = para.name, w = window, d = document, s = 'script',x = null,y = null;
w['sensorsDataAnalytic201505'] = n;
w[n] = w[n] || function(a) {return function() {(w[n]._q = w[n]._q || []).push([a, arguments]);}};
var ifs = ['track','quick','register','registerPage','registerOnce','trackSignup', 'trackAbtest', 'setProfile','setOnceProfile','appendProfile', 'incrementProfile', 'deleteProfile', 'unsetProfile', 'identify','login','logout','trackLink','clearAllRegister','getAppStatus'];
for (var i = 0; i < ifs.length; i++) {
w[n][ifs[i]] = w[n].call(null, ifs[i]);
if (!w[n]._t) {
x = d.createElement(s), y = d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0];
x.async = 1;
x.src = p;
y.parentNode.insertBefore(x, y);
w[n].para = para;
sdk_url: '/static/lib/sensorsdata/1.9.7/sensorsdata.min.js',
heatmap_url: '/static/lib/sensorsdata/1.9.7/heatmap.min.js',
name: 'sa',
server_url: '{{ sensor_url | safe }}',
show_log: 'false'
// 封装只允许捕获一次事件的函数
sa.xdTrackOnce = function(event_name, properties, cb) {
if ( !sa.xdTrackOnce_items ) {
sa.xdTrackOnce_items = [];
if ( sa.xdTrackOnce_items.indexOf(event_name) < 0) {
sa.track(event_name, properties, cb);
// 获取服务器匿名id
var _distinct_id = '{% if distinct_id %}{{ distinct_id }}{% elif user %}{{ user.distinct_id }}{% elif _openid %}{{ _openid }}{% endif %}';
if (_distinct_id) {
sa.identify(_distinct_id, true);
<!-- end 公共头部组件 -->
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<img class="contact-qrcode" src="/static/img/mobileWeb/product/assistant_tuan2.png" alt="">
<p class="contact-text">长按二维码加小助理咨询</p>
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<i class="iconBase iconBase-Icon_Alert"></i>
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$(function () {
// 加载数据
var init_timer = setTimeout(function () {
load_data({ preprocessed: true })
}, 5000);
// 微信配置
debug: false,
appId: '{{ app_id }}',
timestamp: '{{ timestamp }}',
nonceStr: '{{ noncestr }}',
signature: '{{ signature }}',
jsApiList: ['openLocation', 'getLocation', 'onMenuShareTimeline', 'onMenuShareAppMessage', 'onMenuShareQQ']
// 神策追踪浏览事件
var _tuan_channel = '{{ channel or '' }}';
var _sensorsdata_tap_order_btn = {
order_type: '团购',
gestational_time: {% if gestational_time != None %}{{ gestational_time }}{% else %}null{% endif %}
if (_tuan_channel) {
_sensorsdata_tap_order_btn['tuan_channel'] = _tuan_channel;
// 修复移动端点击效果
document.body.addEventListener('touchstart', function () { });
// 机型判断,行高调整
var _isAndroid = navigator.userAgent.indexOf('Android') > -1 || navigator.userAgent.indexOf('Adr') > -1;
if (_isAndroid) {
wx.ready(function () {
type: 'gcj02',
success: function (res) {
load_data({ latitude: res.latitude, longitude: res.longitude, preprocessed: true });
fail: function (res) {
load_data({ preprocessed: true });
cancel: function (res) {
load_data({ preprocessed: true });
title: '{{ title }}',
desc: '{% if product.start_special %}{% if product.special_start_time > now %}限时抢购价:{{ product.special_price | filter_price_decimal }}元,稍后开抢{% else %}限时抢购价:{{ product.special_price | filter_price_decimal }}元,火爆抢购中{% endif %}{% else %}{% if product.subtitle %}{{ product.subtitle }},{% endif %}{{ product.count }}人团:{{ (product.price - (product.count - 1) * product.delta) | int }}元{% endif %}',
link: '{{ share_url | safe }}',
imgUrl: '{{product.cover_url|avatar_160}}',
type: 'link',
success: function () {
cancel: function () {
title: '{{ title }}',
link: '{{ share_url | safe }}',
imgUrl: '{{product.cover_url|avatar_160}}',
success: function () {
cancel: function () {
title: '{{ title }}',
desc: '{% if product.start_special %}{% if product.special_start_time > now %}限时抢购价:{{ product.special_price | filter_price_decimal }}元,稍后开抢{% else %}限时抢购价:{{ product.special_price | filter_price_decimal }}元,火爆抢购中{% endif %}{% else %}{% if product.subtitle %}{{ product.subtitle }},{% endif %}{{ product.count }}人团:{{ (product.price - (product.count - 1) * product.delta) | int }}元{% endif %}',
link: '{{ share_url | safe }}',
imgUrl: '{{product.cover_url|avatar_160}}',
success: function () {
cancel: function () {
wx.error(function (res) {
// load_data({ preprocessed: true });
function load_data(params) {
$.get("", params).done(function (data) {
// 页面初始化工作
function pageInit() {
sa.trackLink($('.buy')[0], 'tap_order_btn', _sensorsdata_tap_order_btn);
// banner滚动效果
if ($('.cover-item').length > 1) {
var mySwiperBanner = new Swiper ('#productCover', {
slidesPerView: 1,
pagination : '.swiper-pagination',
// 多行文本截断
truncate: "letter",
keep: '.toggle'
// 商户地址隐藏效果
if ($('.providerAddr .addr-item').length > 3) {
var maskFullH = $('.xd-mask-ctn').height();
var maskMinH = $('.providerAddr .addr-item').eq(0).height() + $('.providerAddr .addr-item').eq(1).height() + $('.providerAddr .addr-item').eq(2).height()
$('.xd-mask-ctn').css('max-height', maskMinH + 'px');
// 展示部分隐藏-出现效果
$('.xd-mask-tool').on('click', function() {
if ($('.xd-mask').hasClass('xd-mask-full')) {
$('.xd-mask-ctn').css('max-height', maskFullH + 'px');
setTimeout(function() {
}, 200)
setTimeout(function() {
}, 700)
} else {
$('.xd-mask-ctn').css('max-height', maskMinH + 'px');
setTimeout(function() {
}, 200)
// 商品介绍展开
$('.productDetail .detail-more').on('click', function () {
// 打开地图
$('.addr-item.ll').on('click', function (event) {
var self = $(event.target)
var data = self.data.bind(self);
latitude: data('latitude'), // 纬度,浮点数,范围为90 ~ -90
longitude: data('longitude'), // 经度,浮点数,范围为180 ~ -180。
name: data('name'), // 位置名
address: data('address'), // 地址详情说明
scale: 15, // 地图缩放级别,整形值,范围从1~28。默认为最大
infoUrl: '' // 在查看位置界面底部显示的超链接,可点击跳转
return false;
// 联系客服,打开弹窗
$('.advisory').on('click', function() {
var qrcodeurl = $(this).data("qrcodeurl");
var desc = $(this).data("desc");
$(".contact-qrcode").attr("src", qrcodeurl);
// 关闭弹窗按钮
$('.xd-popup-btnClose').on('click', function() {
// 禁止弹窗底部内容滚动
$('.xd-popup').on('touchmove', function() {
return false;
// 禁止弹窗底部内容滚动
$('.ctn-wrap').on('touchmove','.layer-box,.layer-cont,.layer-rel-cont', function(e) {
return false;
$('.ctn-wrap').on('click','.pr-auth-img', function(e) {
return false;
$('.ctn-wrap').on('click','.layer-close', function() {
// 活动开始提醒------------------------------------
// subscribed为True。则代表用户订阅
var subscribed = '{{ user and user.subscribed }}';//是否关注过公众号
var is_subscribed = '{{ is_notice }}';//是否订阅过消息提醒
var is_remind=false;//本次访问是否已发送提醒
if(is_subscribed == 'True'){
var remind_api=$(this).data('url');
if(is_subscribed == 'True'){
if(subscribed == 'True'){//用户已关注过公众号
var suc_timer = setInterval(remindTimer,1000);
var remind_num = 2;
function remindTimer(){
if(remind_num <= 0){
var remind_html='关闭('+remind_num+')';
$('.ctn-wrap').on('click','.remind-suc-close,.remind-suc-btn,.remind-box', function() {
// 判断网页是不是在小程序中
wx.miniProgram.getEnv(function(res2) {
if ( res2.miniprogram ) {
} else {
is_subscribed = 'True';
type: 'GET',
contentType: 'application/json',
dataType: 'json',
async: false,
// data:JSON.stringify(ajaxData),
success: function(res) {
error: function(res) {
// console.log(res);
// 禁止弹窗底部内容滚动
$('.ctn-wrap').on('touchmove','.remind-box,.remind-cont,.remind-rel-cont', function(e) {
return false;
$('.ctn-wrap').on('click','.remind-cont', function(e) {
return false;
$('.ctn-wrap').on('click','.remind-close,.remind-box', function() {
var clipboard = new ClipboardJS('#copybtn');
clipboard.on('success', function(e) {
clipboard.on('error', function(e) {
// 倒计时
try {
{% if product.start_special %}
var end_time='';
{% if product.special_start_time > now %}
end_time='{{ product.special_start_time }}';
{% else %}
end_time='{{ product.special_end_time }}';
{% endif %}
var timer;
timer = setTimeout(countTime,1000);
function countTime () {
let dd='';
let hh='';
let mm='';
let ss='';
let hs='';
let date = new Date();
let now = date.getTime();
let endtime=end_time.replace(/-/g, '/');
let endDate = new Date(endtime);
let end = endDate.getTime();
let leftTime = end-now;
//定义变量 d,h,m,s保存倒计时的时间
if (leftTime>=0) {
dd = checkTime(Math.floor(leftTime/1000/60/60/24));
hh = checkTime(Math.floor(leftTime/1000/60/60%24));
mm = checkTime(Math.floor(leftTime/1000/60%60));
ss = checkTime(Math.floor(leftTime/1000%60));
hs = checkTime(Math.floor(leftTime%1000));
// console.log(dd+'天'+hh+'时'+mm+'分'+ss+'秒');
if(dd >= 1){
let time_html='<span class="time-num dinCondBold">'+dd+'</span><span class="time-nuit">天</span><span class="time-num dinCondBold">'+hh+'</span><span class="time-mh">:</span><span class="time-num dinCondBold">'+mm+'</span><span class="time-mh">:</span><span class="time-num dinCondBold">'+ss+'</span>';
let time_html='<span class="time-num dinCondBold">'+hh+'</span><span class="time-mh">:</span><span class="time-num dinCondBold">'+mm+'</span><span class="time-mh">:</span><span class="time-num dinCondBold">'+ss+'</span>';
function checkTime(i){ //将0-9的数字前面加上0,例1变为01
i = "0" + i;
} else if(i>=100){
return i;
{% endif %}
catch(err) {
// 通过 rem 计算 px
function toPx(rem) {
return rem * _rootFontsize;
// xd-pop 弹出框脚本
function xdPop(msg) {
var $xdPop = $('.xd-pop');
if (!$xdPop.hasClass('show')) {
setTimeout(function () {
}, 200)
setTimeout(function () {
}, 1700)
setTimeout(function () {
}, 2200)
- 实时推送的大数据量(通过websocket),造成页面数据加载比较慢,应该怎么改善?
- 如何在前端实现如下图方式的导出功能?
- 反爬能检测到JS模拟的键盘输入吗
- 有没有方法即使程序最小化也能对其发送按键
- Using relative links in Blogger
下面那个问题可能是老版ios系统不支持es6的问题,把let换成var 试一下