I have dumped my database with the following command:
mysqldump -uuser -ppassword db_name > file
then I completely removed my database:
drop database db_name;
then I created a new database:
create database db_name;
and then I tried to restore the db with the following command:
mysqldump -uuser -ppassword db_name < file
The problem is that dump does not create tables and loads data in them and so the database remains empty however it does show a message like dump completed "date time"
What could be the reason for this?
mysqldump is for dumping the database. You've created a new empty database, and then dumped that empty database. Use
instead to reload your dumpwould be the basic command sequence.
I like to do the following to restore.
I tried dump of my database with the following commands:
Then login into the DB:
Then create a new database:
DB_name is userdefined name we can have any name.
and then restore the DB with the following command: