I am using HTML5 fetch API.
var request = new Request('https://davidwalsh.name/demo/arsenal.json');
fetch(request).then(function(response) {
// Convert to JSON
return response.json();
}).then(function(j) {
// Yay, `j` is a JavaScript object
}).catch(function(error) {
console.log('Request failed', error)
I am able to use normal json but unable to fetch the data of above api url. It throws error:
Fetch API cannot load https://davidwalsh.name/demo/arsenal.json. No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested resource. Origin 'http://localhost' is therefore not allowed access. If an opaque response serves your needs, set the request's mode to 'no-cors' to fetch the resource with CORS disabled.
Like epascarello said, the server that hosts the resource needs to have CORS enabled. What you can do on the client side (and probably what you are thinking of) is set the mode of fetch to CORS (although this is the default setting I believe):
However this still requires the server to enable CORS as well, and allow your domain to request the resource.
Check out the CORS documentation, and this awesome Udacity video explaining the Same Origin Policy.
You can also use no-cors mode on the client side, but this will just give you an opaque response (you can't read the body, but the response can still be cached by a service worker or consumed by some API's, like