I am confused I think on C++ class structure.
I have a .h called FxMathFunctions.h and a .cpp called FxMathFunctions.cpp
the .h starts like:
class FxMathFunctions
and in the .cpp
I have:
#include "FxBasicTypes.h"
#include "FxMathFunctions.h"
FxMathFunctions::FxMathFunctions() {}
FxMathFunctions::~FxMathFunctions() {}
I am getting errors like:
error: new types may not be defined in a return type
error: return type specification for constructor invalid
This must be something to do with definition someplace, but I just dont see where this might occur.
in the end of class declaration could lead to such error.What does your .h file end with? I'm guessing that the end of your class defnition does not have a ";". The class is being interpreted as the return type of the first function in your cpp file.
Class declaration ends with a semicolon.