Hi is there any way to do android xmpp client which will be able to get message receive confirmation (XEP-0184) I read that there is XEP-0184 in smack but normal smack is not working with android(or I can't do it) there is always SASL authentication exception.
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Smack received support for XEP-0184 with SMACK-331. You can't use Smack < 4.1 directly under Android, you need Smack 4.1 (or higher).
You can read more about Smack's XEP-0184 API in the javadoc of DeliveryReceiptManager.
Yes this works with normal Smack.
Gradle Dependencies
Prepare the XMPPTCPConnection i.e. before you connect() wire up a handler for when you get a delivery receipt
When sending a message, ensure you include a MessageReceiptRequest
All done
Now, you can tell when a sent message has been received by the other side because the deliveryReceiptId obtained in the Chat.sendMessage(Message) code above will be logged by the onReceiptReceived callback set up earlier.