private static int Fibonoci(int n) {
static int first=0;
static int second=1;
static int sum;
i am getting a error "Illegal Modifier" and if i remove static keyword there is no error and i need those variables to be static
private static int Fibonoci(int n) {
static int first=0;
static int second=1;
static int sum;
i am getting a error "Illegal Modifier" and if i remove static keyword there is no error and i need those variables to be static
You can not declare varibale as static inside a method. In otherwords we can say that, Local variables cannot be declared static.
You have to define static variables as members in class. Variables those are defined within method are local variables and their lifecycles ends at the end of the method. local variables are call specific, member variables are object specific and static variables are class specific variables.
You need to declare the static variables outside of the function: