I am interested in applying a SHA-1 hash with RSA signature to some data, but I need to do it in two steps - apply hash first and then sign the data. The Signature.sign() function appears to create a more complex (ASN.1?) data structure that is ultimately signed (see this question). How can I make the two equivalent without using any external libraries like BouncyCastle?
Apply hash and sign in single step with Signature:
PrivateKey privatekey = (PrivateKey) keyStore.getKey(alias, null);
sig = Signature.getInstance("SHA1withRSA", "SunMSCAPI");
byte[] bSignedData_CAPISHA1_CAPIRSA = sig.sign();
Apply hash via MessageDigest, then sign with Signature:
PrivateKey privatekey = (PrivateKey) keyStore.getKey(alias, null);
MessageDigest sha1 = MessageDigest.getInstance("SHA-1");
byte[] data_to_sign = sha1.digest(bdataToSign);
Signature sig = Signature.getInstance("NONEwithRSA", "SunMSCAPI");
byte[] bSignedData_JAVASHA1_CAPIRSA = sig.sign();
I am looking for the following equivalency:
My ultimate goal is to create the hash and then sign with a PKCS11 token, but I require the signed data to be the same format as legacy data for verification purposes.
emsworth's answer was when a great help for me when struggling with the same issue (but using SHA512). However it is still missing a hint which takes me a few more days to find out by myself.
There are different ways how the signature is constructed. For example when using RSASSA-PKCS1-v1_5 (from RFC 5246, TLS 1.2) the DER-encoded DigestInfo is not obtained the usual way. For example if using BouncyCastle
does not yield the expected results. RFC 3447 defines how to construct the DER encoding on page 42. For example in case of SHA-512 the DER encoding is as follows:
I was able to solve this by doing the following:
The data to be signed needed to be formatted correctly in a DigestInfo DER-encoded byte array. The Signature SHA1withRSA takes care of this for you, but if you want to accomplish it in a two-step process, you need to create your own DigestInfo. I ended up copying a very minimal amount of ASN.1 classes from BouncyCastle into my project to accomplish this, despite my desire not to use a third party lib.
If you try to use the Cipher API to encrypt the DigestInfo, the PKCS1 padding will be random and not appropriate for a digital signature. I needed static padding.
The Signature.getInstance("NONEwithRSA", "SunMSCAPI") rejects the DER-encoded DigestInfo format, and will return an error if you try to sign that data. But, since I ultimately wanted to use the PKCS11 API to generate the signature, I ended up signing the DER-encoded DigestInfo with the PKCS11 C_SignInit and C_Sign functions.
To summarize, what worked for me was:
The following links were most helpful in solving my problem:
Oracle Forums: SHA1withRSA - how to do that in 2 steps?
StackOverflow: Using SHA1 and RSA with java.security.Signature vs. MessageDigest and Cipher