I have an ionic mobile app. i runs on a mobile browser. it has static a header. i need to hide the address bar for that web app even when scrolling down, but this does not happen.
it has a header as follows,
<meta name="viewport"
it runs on a native mobile browser. i built the app using console. so please help me to hide the address/header bar and run like facebook or other web apps
In Ionic 2 need to install Cordova plugin status bar and we need to import the status bar from ionic native:
I had the same issue, and solved it using this code:
You can install the statusbar plug-in:
or for cordova 5.0+:
and hide the status bar:
Some more info here and a working app here.
UPDATE for Ionic 2
In Ionic 2 things are a bit different. We still need to install cordova plugin statusbar but we need to import the statusbar from ionic native:
The main class should roughly look like this:
The code is borrowed from the ionic native repository. A good tutorial can be found here.