I am looking for a communities, portals, and bloggers(?) that could help me to keep up to date with the newest technology, trends, and knowledge about Business Intelligence, Predictive analysis, etc. I am asking this question, because there is a lot sites about this topic but most of them seem to be affiliated with some companies that sell this kind of solutions. So it is hard to recognize if an article is a marketing material.
- NOT DISTINCT query in mySQL
- Flush single app django 1.9
- How can a multi-valued dimension be expressed in a
- keeping one connection to DB or opening closing pe
- Mysql-installer showing error : Memoy could not be
- Connection pooling vs persist connection mysqli
- How does Cassandra scale horizontally ?
- Speed up sqlFetch()
- How Do I Seed My Database in the setupBeforeClass
- I set a MySQL column to “NOT NULL” but still I can
- Where in Django can I run startup code that requir
- Google OAuth 2.0 User id datatype for MYSQL
- Modelling a Chat like Application in Firebase
In my opinion, Sitepoint is the best community blog that I have come across yet. It has podcasts every week, and many very interesting articles about business and technology. They also have some very good books and pdf downloads. In my experience, Sitepoint has done a very good job of keeping me up-to-date with what is going on on the web.