I have a Meteor app and would like to upload data (from csv) to a meteor collection.
I have found:
- solutions (e.g. Collectionfs) which deal with file uploads
- methods for uploading directly to the underlying mongo db from the shell
- references to meteor router - but I am using the excellent iron-router, which does not appear to provide this functionality
My requirement is that the app user be able to upload csv data to the app from within the app. I do not need to store the csv file anywhere within the app file structure, I just need to read the csv data to the collection.
It is possible that I cannot figure out how to do this because my terms of reference ('upload data to meteor') are ambiguous or incorrect. Or that I am an idiot.
I've solved this problem in the past using this gist of mine, together with this code (using the jquery-csv plugin to parse the csv data). This is done on the client side and is independent of using iron-router or not. It would be fairly straightforward to move the insertion code into a Meteor method, uploading the csv file first and then parsing and inserting the data on the server. I've tried that, too, but didn't see any performance improvement.
Beware though that if you are inserting a lot of entries, then you are better off turning all reactive rerendering off for a while, until all of them are inserted. Otherwise, both node on the server and the browser tab will get really slow. See my suggested solution here: Meteor's subscription and sync are slow
ChristianF's answer is spot on and I have accepted it as the correct answer. However, it provides even more than I need at this stage, so I am including here the code I have actually used - which is largely taken from Christian's answer and other elements I have found as a result:
HTML UPLOAD BUTTON (I am not including drag and drop at this stage)
NB there is a jquery-csv library for Meteor here: https://github.com/donskifarrell/meteor-jquery-csv