I'm using UIGestureRecognizer in my iOS application and I'm having some issues.
I only want the gestures to work in a certain area of the view, so I made a new UIView with a specific frame and added it to the root view. The gestures are working fine with this, but the only issue now is that I can't click the stuff that is under/behind that new view (the objects that are on the root view). If I set userInteractionEnabled to NO, it breaks the gestures so that is not an option.
What can I do to fix that?
Don't create a new view for your gesture recognizer. The recognizer implements a locationInView: method. Set it up for the view that contains the sensitive region. On the handleGesture, hit-test the region you care about like this:
0) Do all this on the view that contains the region you care about. Don't add a special view just for the gesture recognizer.
1) Setup mySensitiveRect
2) Create your gestureRecognizer:
The sensitive rect should be initialized in myView's coordinate system, the same view to which you attach the recognizer.