I am looking for an articles which introduce Intel 64 bit processor and Assembly: list of x64 registers, commands syntax etc. for programmers familiar with 32 bit Assembly. Kind of "What's new" for 64 bit processor.
- Null-terminated string, opening file for reading
- What's the difference between 0 and dword 0?
- Translate the following machine language code (0x2
- Where can the code be more efficient for checking
- AMD CPU versus Intel CPU openCL
- How to generate assembly code with gcc that can be
- Select unique/deduplication in SSE/AVX
- Optimising this C (AVR) code
- Why does the latency of the sqrtsd instruction cha
- Difference in ABI between x86_64 Linux functions a
- x86 instruction encoding tables
- Why doesn't there exists a subi opcode for MIP
- Tool to Debug Guest OS in Virtual Box
What are the calling conventions for UNIX & Linux system calls on x86-64
The Intel 64 and IA-32 Architectures Software Developer's Manuals have everything you need.