i have activities which i themed with my custom theme, but for spinner i choosed to style it with Appcompat v21 but i got this :
So how to change the Spinner arrow to be black or blue if is there a way ?
i found this as similar question but doesn't have any answer : https://stackoverflow.com/questions/28561105/add-custom-spinner-arrow here is my spinner :
android:layout_centerInParent="true" />
i used this to style the spinner:
<style name="MyTheme.SpinnerAppTheme" parent="Widget.AppCompat.Spinner">
this is how i use the adapter
ArrayAdapter<CharSequence> adapter = ArrayAdapter.createFromResource(
getBaseContext(), R.array.listMedRes, android.R.layout.simple_spinner_item);
i just want to theme the spinner , thanks alot
There is a way to change your arrow color... actually it's not color you can change this image with blue color image.. create a xml file
in your drawable folder and pasteblue_arrow is an image, and add this style in your style file
finally add this style in your spinner
it look like this. you need to customize
Since you are using AppCompat-v21, you can take advantage of the new material design styles attributes:
colorPrimary: your app branding color for the app bar, applies to action bar
colorPrimaryDark: darker variant for the status bar and contextual app bars
colorAccent: lets you define bright complement to the primary branding color. By default, this is the color applied to framework controls (via colorControlActivated)
colorControlNormal: color applied to framework controls in their normal state
colorControlActivated: applied to framework controls in their activated
Here is an example for you
Here is how it looks
Hope this helps.
look at below code. create spinner_bg.xml under drawable folder
write down below code in styles.xml
Apply style to spinner
use this image for spinner drawable
you could tint it with the attribute tint color.
Might be late but better late than never. To respond to your question: "Is there a way to use it only in spinner?". The answer is yes, refer to the code below.
Add this code to your theme or style file
Then in your XML that use spinner you can add this line