If user tries to leave unsaved edited form, a message box pop-up
"This page is asking you to confirm that you want to leave - data you have entered may not be saved. Leave Page and Stay on Page"
Can we invoke this confirmation box through some special function of browser? I want to implement it in AngularJS application
I think you would need to use
or beforeroutechangeAngular documentation
You can easily protect your form with jQuery with this simple unobtrusive code. Put in just before your
closing tag.If you want to cancel the route change when you determine your form is dirty, you can do this:
This will cancel the routing and keep you on the current page.
Warlock's answer is partly right, but in doing so, you'd break testability.
In Angular, you'd want to use $window, and you'll want to watch
on your form. You'll need to have a named form, noticename="myForm"
below. Then you can$watch
on the form in your$scope
Here's a plunk to demonstrate: http://plnkr.co/edit/3NHpU1
You could use the "onbeforeunload" event. The syntax is as follows:
This event will popup that confirmation dialog that you described above asking whether or not the user truly wants to leave the page.
Hope this helps.
I liked @blesh's answer, but I think it fails to account for internal url changes (for example, if you use ngView on your application and visit different internal views). window.onbeforeunload never gets called when the hash # changes. In this case, you have to listen to both window.onbeforeunload and $locationChangeStart:
See plunkr here: http://plnkr.co/edit/R0Riek?p=preview