Is it possible to reference Xaml assets stored in a ResourceDictionary (build action = resource) from another project? I would like to either merge the assets into the main project's resource dictionary or access them individual. For example:
- Project "MyResources" contains a folder named "Assets" which has a ResourceDictionary called "MyAssets.xaml" which contains a Style called "ButtonStyle"
- Project "MainProject" references MyResources; in MainWindow.xaml
In MainWindow.xaml I'd like to do something like:
<ResourceDictionary Source="/MyResources/Assets/MyAssets.xaml"/>
Or, if that's not possible, perhaps:
<Button Style="{StaticResource /MyResources/Assets/MyAssets.xaml}"/>
Is there a way to refer to stuff in MyResources from MainProject?
According to ResourceDictionary in a separate assembly
You can merge the resources from your project into your main dictionary using this method:
Call it like this:
Commons is the name of the external project
/Themes/TreeStyle.xaml corresponds to the location of the style file in project Commons
;component is always required