I have a QTreeWidget with QTreeWidgetItems. Method QTreeWidgetItem.flags() returns me Qt.ItemFlags instance.
The Qt.ItemFlags type is a typedef for QFlags. It stores an OR combination of ItemFlag values.
Well, assume now that I have one of my QTreeWidgetItems and I need to find out — is it checkable or not? Other words, I need to find occurrence ItemFlag (for my case, it's Qt.ItemIsUserCheckable) in Qt.ItemFlags instance.
How to do it?
Here's a simple and tidy example that you can modify (the interested part marked by comment lines):
import sys
from PyQt4 import QtCore, QtGui
class Window(QtGui.QWidget):
def __init__(self):
self.treeWidget = QtGui.QTreeWidget()
self.treeWidget.itemClicked.connect (self.handleClicked)
layout = QtGui.QVBoxLayout()
def addItems(self, parent):
column = 0
clients_item = QtGui.QTreeWidgetItem(parent, ['Clients'])
clients_item.setData(column, QtCore.Qt.UserRole, 'data Clients')
item_1 = QtGui.QTreeWidgetItem(clients_item, ['Item 1'])
item_1.setData(column, QtCore.Qt.UserRole, 'data Item 1')
item_1.setCheckState(column, QtCore.Qt.Unchecked)
item_2 = QtGui.QTreeWidgetItem(clients_item, ['Item 2'])
item_2.setData(column, QtCore.Qt.UserRole, 'data Item 2')
item_2.setCheckState(column, QtCore.Qt.Unchecked)
def handleClicked(self, item, column):
if item.checkState(column) == QtCore.Qt.Checked:
print "checked", item, item.text(column)
if item.checkState(column) == QtCore.Qt.Unchecked:
print "NOT checked", item, item.text(column)
# this part doesn't work ===============================
# begin of part
flags = item.flags()
if QtCore.Qt.ItemIsUserCheckable in flags:
print "is checkable", item, item.text(column)
print "is NOT checkable", item, item.text(column)
# end of part ==========================================
if __name__ == "__main__":
app = QtGui.QApplication(sys.argv)
window = Window()
Like many of the "flags" and "attributes" in Qt,
uses bit masks to combine multiple options into a single value. This can be tested using bitwise operators.Here is how you would check if the item is checkable:
Bitwise Masking
It works like this:
So the value will be some combination of these values. Lets say it is Selectable, Editable, and enabled. For simplicity I will just use the numeric values instead of the flags. We combine them with a logical OR:
And to test the presence of a value we use a logical AND:
You could also toggle the flags state in the maks using an XOR operation.