I want to use apachebench (ab) to test file upload performance. I have read the manual and can't find a way to achieve my goal.
My goal is try to upload a file by a HTTP Request with POST method and multipart/form-data format.
The ab support "-p POST-FILE", but I only can find the format key=value&key2=value2
What the post data I want to send is
Content-Type: multipart/form-data; boundary=----WebKitFormBoundaryuUlX4554LPBjInc5
------WebKitFormBoundaryuUlX4554LPBjInc5 Content-Disposition: form-data; name="file"; filename="411c40d9.jpg" Content-Type: image/jpeg
I googled for a while and can't find any related article or way to achieve that. I use cURL and it works fine, but I want to do stress testing. So I need use ab to achieve that goal.
Any suggestions?
This may be very late but might help others who were searching for the same thing...
Credit to this guy.