If I keep JavaScript code at bottom or keep JavaScript code in <head>
inside document.ready
, are both same thing?
I'm confused between these two methodologies, http://api.jquery.com/ready/ and http://developer.yahoo.com/performance/rules.html#js_bottom.
Is there any benefit to putting JavaScript code at bottom (just before </body>
) even if I keep the code inside.
$(document).ready(function() {
// code here
As JavaScript is attached in
<script type="text/javascript" src="example.js"></script>
They will load all the same in terms of you being able to access the code.
The differences are in the perceived speed of loading of the page. If the javascript is last it will not block any CSS that is trying to be downloaded, which should always be at the top, and will not block any images that need to be downloaded.
Browsers only ask for items as they find them in the HTML but they only have a limited amount of download streams (~10 in modern browsers) so if you doing a lot of requests for images/css and for JS something is going to lose and the perceived speed/ user experience of the page load of your page will take a hit.