I need to zoom frame content only. Here in my web page I used zoom: 0.75; height: 520px; width: 800px;
. If I increase the zoom value it means that the frame size will be increased.
<TITLE> New Document </TITLE>
#frame { width: 800px; height: 520px; border: 1px solid black; }
#frame { zoom: 0.75; -moz-transform: scale(0.75); -moz-transform-origin: 0 0; }
<IFRAME id="frame" src="http://www.google.com"></IFRAME>
In the above sample HTML page I want to zoom the content of the IFRAME without changing the size of that IFRAME.
Not sure this works with linked documents, but with locally hosted content the following works:
For an updated answer this is a great guide. Cheers
For this you might need to use javascript.
There is a zoom plugin for jQuery here: http://css-tricks.com/examples/AnythingZoomer/
You could change the iframes src to a local web page (eg. frame.htm), place a div in the frame and use the jquery load() function to load the content into the frame:
Then use the jquery zoom plugin inside the frame to zoom the content.
I have used a script in my facebook and it's working in IE and Firefox