I am trying to get the laravel session id from the cookie on the header on nodejs.
I have tried so far:
function nodeDecrypt(data, key, iv) {
var decipher = crypto.createDecipheriv('aes-256-cbc', key, iv);
var chunks = []
return chunks.join('')
var cookie = JSON.parse(new Buffer(req.cookies.gjsess, 'base64'));
var iv = new Buffer(cookie.iv, 'base64');
var value = new Buffer(cookie.value, 'base64');
var dec = nodeDecrypt(value, 'YourSecretKey!!!', iv);
But so far I keep getting Invalid IV length 32
is the key found on the app.php
of laravel 4.
Laravel encryption mech:
protected $cipher = 'rijndael-256';
protected $mode = 'cbc';
protected $block = 32;
$payload = $this->getJsonPayload($payload);
$value = base64_decode($payload['value']);
$iv = base64_decode($payload['iv']);
return unserialize($this->stripPadding($this->mcryptDecrypt($value, $iv)));
return mcrypt_decrypt($this->cipher, $this->key, $value, $this->mode, $iv);
$this->app->bindShared('encrypter', function($app)
return new Encrypter($app['config']['app.key']);
other attempts
var cookie = JSON.parse(new Buffer(req.cookies.gjsess, 'base64'));
var iv = new Buffer(cookie.iv, 'base64');
var value = new Buffer(cookie.value, 'base64');
var MCrypt = require('mcrypt').MCrypt;
var desEcb = new MCrypt('rijndael-256', 'cbc');
var plaintext = desEcb.decrypt(value, 'base64');
This does not give an error but still getting useless data.
Extending the answer by @7sides, I have come up with the following. It's to get the session id from a laravel cookie specicially for laravel 5.1, since now it uses aes-256-cbc.
Finally I got it too! Here's my solution. Works perfectly for me.