I am following the PRG (Post-Redirect-Get) pattern in my web application, and use something like the following for doing most of my POSTs:
type: 'POST',
url: 'A.html',
data: '....',
statusCode: {
302: function() {
alert("302"); // this is never called
200: function() {
success: function (data, textstatus) {
alert('You are now at URL: ' + ??);
error: function (data) {
complete: function (jqXHR, textstatus) {
alert('You are now at URL: ' + ??);
I need to get the URL AFTER any redirection has occurred, i.e. the URL of the final GET that the .ajax() function called. For example a POST to A.html may redirect to either B.html or C.html (always via 302's). How do I get the final URL?
I am using jquery 1.5.1, and using a proxy have witnessed that jquery is silently following the redirects - which I am happy with. I don't care about any of the URLs which responded with 302's - I would just like to know the URL of the final request at the time that .ajax()'s "success:" or "complete:" hooks are fired.
A better solution is to supply jQuery's ajax with a custom xhr object like this:
Then you can access the current URL in any callback
I finally solved this issue by adding an additional header into all my responses (eg "X-MYAPP-PATH: /Admin/Index").
My javascript could thus be changed to the following:
I still believe however that jquery should be able to give me the current URL, so I consider this a hack.
First try to figure out the status code that is being returned by the redirection (its usually > 300).
One more point to be noted that the order of execution: success\failure --> statusCode function --> Complete