I'm having a UISplitViewController that contains a UITabBarController as master view. This UITabBarController contains a UINavigationController. The detail view contains a UINavigationController as well.
On the iPad this works as expected. The show detail segue presents the imageview within the navigation controller on the detail view.
On the iPhone on the other hand I expected that the show detail segue pushes the detail view on the stack of the navigation controller of the master view. But actually it is presented modally over the master view.
When removing the UITabBarController from the storyboard and using the UINavigationController directly in the master view this works.
Has anybody an idea how I could present the detail view on the stack of the master's UINavigationController on an iPhone?
The answer of @PeterOettl to his own question put me on the right way and is great for that. So the credit belongs to him.
I have nearly the same storyboard structure as him, but as
is anavigationController
I get a runtime error sayingAs said, that is because
is thenavigationController
of the detail view and not the viewController of the detail view.Note that I am surprised that @PeterOettl does not get that error in his case also, as the segue given in the storyboard picture, points to the navigation controller of the detail view.
Therefore the code should like that (in Swift) simply adding
and pushing
instead ofvc
and the whole code is
Also note that this code is put in the
of the master-detail example of Xcode where a tab bar is added in the master view.EDIT
In the comments we discussed with @PeterOettl of the difference between
.Apple documentation says :
I implemented @Dreaming In Binary's answer in Swift:
The problem with Peter's solution is that it will fall apart with the iPhone 6 +. How so? With that code, if an iPhone 6 + is in portrait orientation - the detail view pushes onto the navigation stack. All is well, so far. Now, rotate into landscape, and then you'll have the detail view showing as the detail view and the master view.
You'll need the split view controller's delegate to implement two methods:
And now, you'll need to return the top view controller from the selected tab's navigation controller:
With this solution, everything pushes onto the navigation stack when it should and also updates the detail view correctly on the iPad/6+ landscape.
I figured out how to put the detail on to the master's UINavigationController instead of presenting it modally over the UITabBarController.
Using the UISplitViewControllerDelegate method
In case the UISplitViewController is collapsed get the masters navigation controller and push the detail view onto this navigation controller:
I appreciate this discussion thread when I was implementing exactly the same UI structure app, and furthurmore made it adaptive for iPhone 6 Plus rotation and iPad multitasking (Slide Over/Split View, iOS 9 or later).
We have put the full solution (adaptive UISplitViewController with UITabBarController as primary view controller) open sourced on GitHub indievox-inc/TabBarSplitViewController. Thanks!