I am currently Using Spring JPA and utilizing the Sorting and Pagination as described here -
How to query data via Spring data JPA by sort and pageable both out of box?
Now my question is how do I apply a 'where' clause to this?
where PRODUCT_NAME='abc';
Just create a query method in your repository interface for this.
Take a look in the docs, here.
Add a query method with paging and where clause.
So you can find User by a property "lastname" and configure Paging settings.
The easiest way I could find is to use QueryDSL or Specifications. I prefer QueryDSL.
To fetch Spring Data JPA apply sorting, pagination along with a where clause check bellow codes
Entity class
Repository class
Service layer to pass where clause using Example object and Pagination+Sorting together using Pagable and Sort Class. We will implement Pageable in controller to inject Sorting logic then will pass that Pagable object to service Layer.
does not take the attribute if its value is null. for that I used Integer id in Entity class as I can set it's value null for first callNow Controller Class