I'm trying to do an OAuth2 user-credentials post to an OAuth2 service using the Grails RestBuilder plugin.
If I try to specify the post body as a map, I get an error about no message converters for LinkedHashMap.
If I try to specify the body as a String, the post goes through, but none of the variables are posted to the server action.
Here's the post:
RestBuilder rest = new RestBuilder()
def resp = rest.post("http://${hostname}/oauth/token") {
auth(clientId, clientSecret)
// This results in a message converter error because it doesn't know how
// to convert a LinkedHashmap
// ["grant_type": "password", "username": username, "password": password]
// This sends the request, but username and password are null on the host
body = ("grant_type=password&username=${username}&password=${password}" as String)
def json = resp.json
I've also tried setting the urlVariables in the post() method call, but the username/password are still null.
This is a very simple post, but I can't seem to get it to work. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
I found out some very easy to perform such type of action
I solved the problem by using a MultiValue map for the body.
Following code works for Box connection. Spend few of hours figuring this out