First part of the question is that I am trying to use boost::bimap, but from the documentation it is unclear to me how to define a bidirectional multimap.
The second part of the question is that I need it to be a map in one direction and a multimap in the other direction, can this be done using boost::bimap ?
Has anyone experience of this or can point me to the correct page ?
All is in documentation...
The answer from ForEverR is partially correct for the first part of your question (how to define a bidirectional multimap?).
For the second part (accessing a bimap which is a map in one direction and a multimap in the other direction) It is not correct.
A correct way to access would be [ ]:
The example from ForEverR 'seems' to work because of the order of the data inserted but check out the results when you insert another couple at the end bimap.insert(value_type(9, 15));: