I'm using an xcode 7 playground, and I want to know how to make the playground display all the results printed out by a loop.
for example:
This will tell me the loop ran 4 times, but it will only display the last value of the iteration. Is there a way I can make it show all values?
Right click on the inline quick look (the gray rounded rectangle with "4" in it). There's an option to show all the results in a list:
You can also show everything that's been printed to the console for the entire playground execution by clicking the show debug area button all the way in the bottom left corner:
You can see the results directly on the Debug Area
click anywhere on the line where your
method is defined and follow the below stepsVice versa, you can hide the
details byIn xcode 7, right clicking with a mouse on the display box will give you the correct dropdown menu. However, Ctrl-clicking with the track pad on a macbook will not give the correct dropdown menu. You have to select it under the
menu.This bug goes away in xcode 7.1
I attach GIF image for showing executing result of playground code.