I am doing this following code for login attempt & i want get IP address of my local machine..
if ( !$this->session->userdata('login_attempts') )
$this->session->set_userdata('login_attempts', 0);
$attempts = ($this->session->userdata('login_attempts') + 1);
$this->session->set_userdata('login_attempts', $attempts);
// Check if the session.
if ( $this->session->userdata('login_attempts') > 4 )
echo 'hi....login attempt is over';
// Failed. So, update the session
echo $ip = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];
// $ip_address = $this->input->ip_address1();
// return $ip_address;
echo $this->input->ip_address();
if ( ! $this->input->valid_ip($ip))
echo 'Not Valid';
echo 'Valid';
$this->db->update('loginattempts',array( 'login_attempts' =>$this->session->userdata('login_attempts') , 'lastLogin' =>date('Y-m-d H:i:s'),'ip'=>$ip = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] ),array('login_id' =>1) );
echo ('hi....login attempt is'.$this->session->userdata('login_attempts'));
but it show incorrect ip address of my local machine.
use anyone from below .. same like $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']
We should use codeigniter function for security, we should use
, This will give client ipIf you want to access server variable use like this
For reference please have a look https://www.codeigniter.com/user_guide/libraries/input.html
Codeigniter Input User Guide (ip_address)
Also, don't echo an equation. echo on another line instead:
To get the remote IP address, in PHP, you could use
, CodeIgniter is doing the same thing behind the scenes.