Has anyone implemented this, or know if it would be difficult to implement this/have any pointers?
public static SpatialRelationCriterion IsWithinDistance(string propertyName, object anotherGeometry, double distance)
// TODO: Implement
throw new NotImplementedException();
from NHibernate.Spatial.Criterion.SpatialRestrictions
I can use "where NHSP.Distance(PROPERTY, :point)" in hql. But want to combine this query with my existing Criteria query.
for the moment I'm creating a rough polygon, and using
criteria.Add(SpatialRestrictions.Intersects("PROPERTY", myPolygon));
EDIT Got a prototype working by overloading constructor on SpatialRelationCriterion, adding new SpatialRelation.Distance
public static SpatialRelationCriterion IsWithinDistance(string propertyName, object anotherGeometry, double distance)
return new SpatialRelationCriterion(propertyName, SpatialRelation.Distance, anotherGeometry, distance);
added a new field to SpatialRelationCriterion
private readonly double? distance;
public SpatialRelationCriterion(string propertyName, SpatialRelation relation, object anotherGeometry, double distance)
: this(propertyName, relation, anotherGeometry)
this.distance = distance;
Edited ToSqlString
object secondGeometry = Parameter.Placeholder;
if (!(this.anotherGeometry is IGeometry))
secondGeometry = columns2[i];
if (distance.HasValue)
builder.Add(spatialDialect.GetSpatialRelationString(columns1[i], this.relation, secondGeometry, distance.Value, true));
builder.Add(spatialDialect.GetSpatialRelationString(columns1[i], this.relation, secondGeometry, true));
overloaded ISpatialDialect.GetSpatialRelationString
implemented overload in MsSql2008SpatialDialect
public SqlString GetSpatialRelationString(object geometry, SpatialRelation relation, object anotherGeometry, double distance, bool criterion)
var x = new SqlStringBuilder(8)
if (criterion)
x.Add(" < ");
return x.ToSqlString();
Not sure why AddParameter not being used?
Yes I think that Recompile the DLL is the best solution for now.
we are looking into this issue over at GitHub. Thanks for providing great insight and a possible solution. Here's a link to the issue: https://github.com/nhibernate/NHibernate.Spatial/issues/61
I will publish new NuGet packages as soon as this is fixed.