Which programming language or a library is able to process infinite series (like geometric or harmonic)? It perhaps must have a database of some well-known series and automatically give proper values in case of convergence, and maybe generate an exception in case of divergence.
For example, in Python it could look like:
sum = 0
sign = -1.0
for i in range(1,Infinity,2):
sign = -sign
sum += sign / i
then, sum must be math.pi/4 without doing any computations in the loop (because it's a well-known sum).
Clojure and Haskell off the top of my head.
Sorry I couldn't find a better link to haskell's sequences, if someone else has it, please let me know and I'll update.
For Python check out SymPy - clone of Mathematica and Matlab.
There is also a heavier Python-based math-processing tool called Sage.
This can be done in for instance sympy and sage (among open source alternatives) In the following, a few examples using sympy:
In [10]: summation(1/k**2,(k,1,oo)) Out[10]: 2 π ── 6
In [11]: summation(1/k**4, (k,1,oo)) Out[11]: 4 π ── 90
In [12]: summation( (-1)**k/k, (k,1,oo)) Out[12]: -log(2)
In [13]: summation( (-1)**(k+1)/k, (k,1,oo)) Out[13]: log(2)
Behind the scenes, this is using the theory for hypergeometric series, a nice introduction is the book "A=B" by Marko Petkovˇeks, Herbert S. Wilf and Doron Zeilberger which you can find by googling. ¿What is a hypergeometric series?
Everybody knows what an geometric series is: $X_1, x_2, x_3, \dots, x_k, \dots $ is geometric if the contecutive terms ratio $x_{k+1}/x_k$ is constant. It is hypergeometric if the consecutive terms ratio is a rational function in $k$! sympy can handle basically all infinite sums where this last condition is fulfilled, but only very few others.
The C++ iRRAM library performs real arithmetic exactly. Among other things it can compute limits exactly using the limit function. The homepage for iRRAM is here. Check out the limit function in the documentation. Note that I'm not talking about arbitrary precision arithmetic. This is exact arithmetic, for a sensible definition of exact. Here's their code to compute e exactly, pulled from the example on their web site:
I have worked in couple of Huge Data Series for Research purpose. I used Matlab for that. I didn't know it can/can't process Infinite Series.
But I think there is a possibility. U can try :)
There are two tools available in Haskell for this beyond simply supporting infinite lists.
First there is a module that supports looking up sequences in OEIS. This can be applied to the first few terms of your series and can help you identify a series for which you don't know the closed form, etc. The other is the 'CReal' library of computable reals. If you have the ability to generate an ever improving bound on your value (i.e. by summing over the prefix, you can declare that as a computable real number which admits a partial ordering, etc. In many ways this gives you a value that you can use like the sum above.
However in general computing the equality of two streams requires an oracle for the halting problem, so no language will do what you want in full generality, though some computer algebra systems like Mathematica can try.