I have a Mercurial repository that I use in local only... It's for my personal usage (so I don't "push" anywhere).
I made a commit with 3 files, but after that I understood that I should do commit 4 files...
Is there a way to "rollback" my last (latest, only one) commit, and "recommit" it with the correct files?
(I don't know why, but my "Amend current revision" option is not active, so I can't use it...)
The answer is strip (if you don't have it enabled you can check how to enable it here: https://stackoverflow.com/a/18832892/179581).
If you want to revert just the latest commit use:
If you want to revert to a specific commit:
Using strip will revert the state of your files to the specified commit but you will have them as pending changes, so you can apply them together with your file to a new commit.
Recover your stripped data:
If you miss-used the command or you want to recover your changes you can find your stripped files in the .hg/strip-backup folder.
Tutorial on how to restore your files, or just google for it (works the same on all OS).
Credit to ForeverWintr
In modern hg:
hg uncommit
or, for your exact problem:
You just need this command:
See: http://hgbook.red-bean.com/read/finding-and-fixing-mistakes.html.
(Technically, this is deprecated as of version 2.7, August 2013, but I've yet to see an alternative that does exactly the same thing.)