What could be good question to decide if candidate has strong or atleast fair knowledge working with Flex and ActionScript.
- garbage collection best practices
- How to load flex swf from flash?
- FlashDevelop Haxe (Flash) debugger
- Converting Date with Time in PST into UTC format
- Detecting user's camera settings
- Are there any benefits when using final in AS3?
- Trace on Chrome/Browser console
- as3 ByteArray to Hex (binary hex representation)
- Libraries for text animation in Flex / Actionscrip
- About Collision detection alghorithms in AS3
- How to upload BitmapData to a server (ActionScript
- Manage resources to minimize garbage collection ac
- as3 object values NativeText
Memory management is important on any platform. Here are a few Flex specific questions:
Is there a delete operator in ActionScript?
Yes, there is, but it removes values from collections, it doesn't release memory. Only the garbage collector is able to release memory.
How to prevent memory leaks?
Null-ify members to make the garbage collector release them; addEventListener adds references to the object, so each addEventListener should have a corresponding removeEventListener.
Explain weak references.
Grant Skinner has a great series of lecture notes on what every Flash dev should know, though it's obviously debatable. See here: http://www.gskinner.com/talks/things/ (it's in a very pretty wrapper too)
I think that the kind of knowledge he highlights is more valuable than language trivia, which can be learned on the job if necessary (and probably won't come up much in real situations).
I like to ask the interviewee to describe the component lifecycle. You can usually judge how knowledgeable they are by how in-depth they go.
how to add #text of child in
given name of child will be determined at runtime..
Answer is
is null when accessed from my custom movie clip's constructor?addChildAt
- what do they do?outerDocument