I'm coloring some parts of a text coming from an API (think "@mention" as on Twitter) using NSAttributedString.
The API gives me the text and an array of entities representing the parts of the text that are mentions (or links, tags, etc) which should be colored.
But sometimes, the coloration is offset because of emojis.
For example, with this text:
"@ericd Some text. @apero"
the API gives:
[ { "text" : "ericd", "len" : 6, "pos" : 0 }, { "text" : "apero", "len" : 6, "pos" : 18 } ]
which I successfully translate to an NSAttributedString using NSRange:
for m in entities.mentions {
let r = NSMakeRange(m.pos, m.len)
myAttributedString.addAttribute(NSForegroundColorAttributeName, value: someValue, range: r)
We see that "pos": 18
is correct, this is where "@apero" starts. The colored parts are "@ericd" and "@apero", as expected.
but when some specific combinations of emojis are used in the text, the API does not translate well to NSATtributedString, the coloration is offset:
"@ericd Some text.
A Swift
provides different "views" on its contents. A good overview is given in "Strings in Swift 2" in the Swift Blog:characters
is a collection of Character values, or extended grapheme clusters.unicodeScalars
is a collection of Unicode scalar values.utf8
is a collection of UTF–8 code units.utf16
is a collection of UTF–16 code units.As it turned out in the discussion,
from your API are indices into the Unicode scalars view.On the other hand, the
method ofNSMutableAttributedString
takes anNSRange
, i.e. the range corresponding to indices of the UTF-16 code points in anNSString
provides methods to "translate" between indices of the different views (compare NSRange to Range<String.Index>):