I have searched a lot, all I found is a "mysql++" but I don't know how to install it.
I don't have knowledge about libraries in C++!
I have searched a lot, all I found is a "mysql++" but I don't know how to install it.
I don't have knowledge about libraries in C++!
Do you already have a running database to access? If so, then mysql++ is straightforward. There's nothing to install; just include the libraries and headers like any other code. There is a simple example here:
Searching google for "c++ mysql tutorial" brings back the following
Developing Database Applications Using MySQL Connector/C++
and A Tiny MySQL++ Tutorial; C++ and MySQL; MySQL++ Example
Which in turn links to... Installing MySQL++; How to install MySQL++ on Linux-CentOS
And looking through the first article I found this Installing MySQL Connector/C++ from Source
They all seem straight forward enough. Although installation processes vary slightly dependant on your operating system.
You need to compile the library for your platform. Visual Studio can be used for Windows. The official web page of mysql++ has a few FAQs.
Once you have the library compiled, you can go through the tutorials from the manual.