I am working with WordPress 3.5.8. Yesterday I made some changes into it to a friend. I don't know what happened, but after some time when I try to log in at wp-admin side and execute URL www.mysite.com/wp-admin
it shows me a blank page. How do I solve this? I have searched over the internet and blogs. I found it could be related to hosting problems or brute force-attack, but I don't think that that's what happened to my site.
Links I visited:
- http://wordpress.org/support/topic/wp-admin-wont-load-shows-blank-page
- http://wordpress.org/support/topic/brute-force-attacks-and-wordpress?replies=1
- http://wordpress.org/support/topic/wp-admin-wont-load-shows-blank-page
- http://wordpress.org/support/topic/wp-admin-blank-page
- http://wordpress.org/support/topic/blank-page-on-wp-admin
Just visit the plugins folder and delete the last plugin you uploaded and should do the trick.
I found following solution working as I was using older version of wordpress.
<?php echo self::$this->_help_sidebar; ?>
<?php echo $this->_help_sidebar; ?>
I faced the same problem and I tried many things such as trying to login through wp-login.php instead of /wp-admin and adding ob_start() in /wp-admin/index.php (if you hit the url /wp-admin it goes for /wp-admin). It showed login page but entering the username and password shows an error like "cookies are blocked due to unexpected output".
I finally got the solution: it happens because the theme or plugins that you installed are not supported.
How to check and fix:
Rename the plugin folder name and theme folder name. If opening /wp-admin and entering a valid username and password the dashboard is shown, then it worked.
Revert the folder name of plugin and theme, then activate the themes and plugins one by one, cross-checking with /wp-admin. You will find out the unsupported plugin or theme.
I ran into the same problem a few minutes ago, the problem was when I uploaded my local theme I had a bunch of tags separating each function I had in there I solved this by putting all the functions in one php tag... Hope this helps.
All your problem is solved right now just follow this instruction:
for example this is your theme folder name: "mytheme" just put "x" in the first letter like this "xmytheme" tho di activate.
Then after that go back to your wp-admin panel then BOOM! wp-admin accessable.
When you access your wp-admin panel or you are on your dashboard, again activate your theme again, but before that. REMOVE THE "X" letter you putted in your theme name. example: "xmytheme" just remove "x", output like this: "mytheme"
hope this help!.
In my case, I was able to see the backend, but in my front I was getting a blank page...
Nothing about debugging and disabling themes/plugins was useful...
After some research, I've realized that my
(located at the root directory, not the theme's one) was empty!The only content was a message saying Silence is golden.
Using a backup I had, I could get back my original
and get the site working again.